Rreth nesh

About us
WhatsApp Image 2023-11-19 at 4.12.04 PM

Kush jemi ne?

Ne jemi nje kompani sherbimesh mbi krijimin e shablloneve per prerje industriale te veshjeve te ndryshme.
Shabllonet krijohen me programe kompjuterike te specializuara per modelistike. Zhvillimet e masave behen me standartet perkatese dhe po ashtu printohen ne leter adesive.
Krijimi i grafikeve ku nderfuten te gjitha pjeset e modelit behet ne menyre te automatizuar duke optimizuar eficensen ne maksimum dhe duke pasur nje konsum minimal te tekstilit.

Perse tek ne?

Sepse jemi e para kompani e ketij lloji ne Shqiperi, ku profesioniste te lire dhe me eksperienc disa vjecare ne prodhim veshjesh punojne me pasion dhe perpikmeri qe cdo model te jete perfekt dhe ti permbush te gjitha kerkesat e klientit.

Si funksionon?

Ju mund te shkarkoni modelet e gatshme qe shfaqen ne web ne disa formate pdf dhe hpgl(format gati per print ne ploter industrial per veshjet), ne masat qe ju nevojiten, pasi te keni bere blerjen me ane te kartes.
Ju mund dhe te na kontaktoni nese ju duhet te krijoni nje model i cili nuk gjendet ne faqen tone te web-it.


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    Ina Plaku

    Textile and Fashion Engineering

    Hello there! I'm Ina Plaku, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my corner of the internet. I am a pattern-maker with a passion for creating patterned garments for industrial purposes. Whether I'm working on projects, exploring new places, or diving into creative endeavors, I bring enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication to everything I do. With a background in graduating in 2015 in "Engineering of Textile and Fashion" and then in clothes production (2015-2022), I've gained valuable experience in creating patterns and markers for different garments, following standard techniques for cutting and sewing processes. Currently, my journey has led me to be part of an international company as an inspector for quality in textile products. Not only this but also to audit manufacturers in their health and safety environment. I'm always open to connecting with like-minded individuals. Whether you share a similar passion or just want to chat, feel free to reach out through my LinkedIn. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy it!
  • S’ka produkte në shportë.